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Updated estimated added sugars consumption trends in Canada now available
On May 31, 2024, Statistics Canada released their annual loss-adjusted food availability data for 2023, including updated data on sugars, syrups, and soft drinks. This data can be used to estimate the availability of added sugars in Canada and as a proxy to monitor trends in per capita (per person) added sugars consumption in Canada.
- Trend in Added Sugars Consumption: Estimated average added sugars1 consumption in Canada has shown a gradual declining trend over the past twenty years (see graph below).
- Per Capita Consumption in 2023: In 2023, estimated per capita added sugars consumption in Canada accounted for 10.8% of energy intake (see graph below).
- Decline in Added Sugars: Over the past 20 years, there has been a 16% per capita reduction in added sugars consumption based on % energy intake, declining from 12.8% energy in 2003 to 10.8% energy in 2023.
- Impact of Soft Drinks Availability: The largest contributor to the overall decline in added sugars is the continued decline in soft drinks availability, down 59% compared to 2003.
- Factors Influencing 2023 Availability: Statistics Canada reports that the decline in per capita availability of many commodities in 2023 is linked to the surge in population growth from high international migration.
1Total added sugars estimated from Statistics Canada data on refined sugar, maple sugar, honey, and soft drinks (estimated sugars content).
Updated Infographic Available: Sugars Consumption in Canada 
For more information, CSI’s latest infographic “Sugars Consumption in Canada” combines the most recent added sugars availability data with information from analysis of Canadian Community Health Survey sugars consumption data for adults and children. It is available to download from our website.
Additional Resources:
- CSI Webpage: Consumption of Sugars in Canada
- Wang YF, et al. Trends in Loss-Adjusted Availability of Added Sugars and Energy Contribution from Macronutrients and Major Food Groups in Canada and the United States. Journal of the American Nutrition Association. 2022; 42:5, 459-468
- Wang YF, et al. Canadian Adults with Moderate Intakes of Total Sugars have Greater Intakes of Fibre and Key Micronutrients: Results from the Canadian Community Health Survey 2015 Public Use Microdata File. Nutrients. 2020 Apr 17;12(4):E1124.
- Chiavaroli L, et al. Intakes of nutrients and food categories in Canadian children and adolescents across levels of sugars intake: Cross-sectional analyses of the Canadian Community Health Survey 2015 Public Use Microdata File. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2022 Jan.
- Newens KJ & Walton J. A review of sugar consumption from nationally representative dietary surveys across the world. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2015. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12338