January 25, 2019 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Canadian Sugar Institute comment on new Canada's Food Guide
The dietitians and nutrition researchers at the Canadian Sugar Institute are broadly supportive of the approach to healthy eating in the new Canada’s Food Guide....January 16, 2019 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Canadian Sugar Institute – Highlights of Statistics Canada Sugars Consumption Report
Today, Statistics Canada released the report, Change in total sugars consumption among Canadian children and adults, based on nutrition information collected as part of the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)....July 31, 2018 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Calorie information on baked goods may be inaccurate given sugar losses during baking
A recent study by Liang et al. from the University of British Columbia, found that the sugars content of baked cakes may differ from the actual amount of sugar listed as an ingredient....June 8, 2018 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Update on estimated added sugars consumption in Canada
On May 30, 2018, Statistics Canada released loss-adjusted food availability data for 2017 (CANSIM). Food availability data that is adjusted for loss and wastage provides an estimate of average consumption in the population....March 13, 2018 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Dietary intake and food sources of added sugars among Americans. New research findings from NHANES 2009-2012.
A recent study by Bailey et al., published in the journal Nutrients, reports levels and food sources of added sugars intake among US children, adolescents, and adults based on analysis of NHANES data from 2009-2012....January 29, 2018 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Does Reformulation and Product Innovation Result in a Healthier Food Supply?
There is increasing consumer awareness and interest in healthier products, which in turn may prompt the food industry to innovate and reformulate products to meet changing consumer needs....December 12, 2017 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Estimated Sugars Content of Diets that Follow Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide
Health Canada’s Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion recently published an article “Estimating the Sugars Content of Diets that Follow Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide” in the Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research....November 2, 2017 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Are foods and beverages reduced in sugars also reduced in Calories?
Consumers and health professionals alike often expect that foods and beverages higher in free or added sugars are also higher in calories, and that reformulation to reduce sugars will result in a similar reduction of products' calorie contents....October 24, 2017 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News
Clarifying media coverage of a recent study on sugars and cancer
A new study examining how glucose is processed for energy in yeast and cancer cells was recently published in Nature Communications. Not surprisingly, the study received heightened media attention since the press release for the study stated, “Scientists reveal the relationship between sugar and cancer”....June 27, 2017 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News