Dernières recherches sur les sucres

L'ICS propose un résumé mensuel des nouvelles études sur les sucres et les glucides publiées chaque mois. Il se base sur une recherche PubMed et utilise des termes de recherche pré-établis. Les publications sont groupées par thème et classées de la plus haute qualité à la qualité la moins élevée. Ce classement se base sur la hiérarchie des preuves médicales. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé du processus de sélection

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Août 2024

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste complète des publications scientifiques relatives aux sucres publiée en août 2024. Elles sont groupées par thème et classées de la plus haute qualité à la qualité la moins élevée.

Sujet d'étude Titre Citations Type d'étude
Apports alimentaires - Les sucres Consumption of critical nutrients and sweeteners related to the risk of chronic diseases in the population of Antioquia, according to the degree of food processing. Gaviria-Salinas L et al. Rev Saude Publica. 2024 Aug 9; 58:31.  Étude transversale
Individual and total sugar contents of street foods in Malaysia - Should we be concerned? Zainal Arifen ZN et al. Food Chem. 2024 Aug 30; 450:139288.  Étude transversale
Identifying the Leading Sources of Saturated Fat and Added Sugar in U.S. Adults. Taylor CA et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jul 30;16(15):2474.  Étude transversale
Sugar or Sweetener? Mooradian AD. South Med J. 2024 Aug;117(8):513-516.  Revue narrative
Apports alimentaires - Boissons  Prevalence and Predictors of Soft Drink Consumption among Adolescents in the Gulf Countries: Findings from National Surveys. Al-Zalabani AH. Nutrients. 2024 Aug 10;16(16):2637.  Étude transversale
Intake of sugar sweetened beverages among children and adolescents in 185 countries between 1990 and 2018: population based study. Lara-Castor L et al. BMJ. 2024 Aug 7;386:e079234.  Étude transversale
Apports alimentaires - Aliments contenant du sucre Longitudinal associations between food parenting practices and dietary intake in preschool children: The ToyBox Study.  Flores-Barrantes P et al. Nutrition. 2024 Aug;124:112454.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Cross-Sectional Assessment of Nutritional Status, Dietary Intake, and Physical Activity Levels in Children (6-9 Years) in Valencia (Spain) Using Nutrimetry.  Morales-Suárez-Varela M et al. Nutrients. 2024 Aug 10;16(16):2649.  Étude transversale
Adolescents' unhealthy snacking behaviour during the school journey and the association with transport modes and food outlets along the school route. Situmorang ML et al. Perspect Public Health. 2024 Aug 13.  Étude transversale
Commercially-produced infant and toddler foods-How healthy are they? An evaluation of products sold in Australian supermarkets. Dunford EK et al. Matern Child Nutr. 2024 Aug 12:e13709.  Étude transversale
An Evaluation of the Nutritional and Promotional Profile of Commercial Foods for Infants and Toddlers in the United States.  Coyle DH et al. Nutrients. 2024 Aug 21;16(16):2782.  Étude transversale
Qualité de l'alimentation Measuring Dietary Quality Among Toddlers in the Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study, 2016 Using the New Healthy Eating Index-Toddlers-2020. Kay MC et al. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2024 Aug 27. Étude transversale
Nutritional Quality of Breakfast Cereals on the French, Belgian and Luxembourg Markets: Which Cereals for Children? Robert M et al. Nutrients. 2024 Aug 14;16(16):2701.  Étude transversale
Investigating the impact of dietary guidelines transition on cardiometabolic risk profile: a forensic analysis using diet quality metrics. Sualeheen A et al. Sci Rep. 2024 Aug 28;14(1):19983.  Étude transversale
Evaluating the diet in Germany with two indices focusing on healthy eating and planetary healthy eating using nationwide cross-sectional food intake data from DEGS1 (2008-2011). Richter A et al. Eur J Nutr. 2024 Aug 15.  Étude transversale
Obesité Low-Carbohydrate Diet is More Helpful for Weight Loss Than Low-Fat Diet in Adolescents with Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Zhang Y et al. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2024 Aug 9.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
The effects of dietary macronutrient composition on resting energy expenditure following active weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ho DKN et al. Obes Rev. 2024 Aug;25(8):e13760.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
Effect of a carbohydrate-restricted diet on weight loss in overweight and obese pediatric population: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Rohani P et al. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2024 Aug 29;16(1):210.  Méta-analyse d'essais contrôlés randomisés
Effects of 8-h time-restricted eating on energy intake, dietary composition and quality in adolescents with obesity. Bakhsh JA et al. Pediatr Obes. 2024 Aug 26:e13165.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Prolonged latency of the gustatory evoked potentials for sucrose solution in subjects living with obesity compared with normal-weight subjects. Mouillot T et al. Int J Obes (Lond). 2024 Aug 25.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Diet Order Significantly Affects Energy Balance For Diets Varying In Macronutrients But Not Ultra-Processing In Crossover Studies Without A Washout Period.  Sciarrillo CM et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Aug 18.  Essai contrôlé randomisé

Gut-derived appetite hormones do not explain energy intake differences in humans following low-carbohydrate versus low-fat diets.

                                    Hengist A et al. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2024 Sep;32(9):1689-1698.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Ketogenic diet but not free-sugar restriction alters glucose tolerance, lipid metabolism, peripheral tissue phenotype, and gut microbiome: RCT. Hengist A et al. Cell Rep Med. 2024 Aug 20;5(8):101667.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Lipoprotein(a) and diet: consuming sugar-sweetened beverages lowers lipoprotein(a) levels in obese and overweight adults. Law HG et al. J Lipid Res. 2024 Aug;65(8):100588.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Trends and Disparities in Diet Quality and Nutrient Intake among US Adults by Bodyweight Status. Gu W et al. Nutrients. 2024 Aug 21;16(16):2793.  Étude transversale
Prevalence and Predictors of Normal-Weight Obesity among Women. Parfenteva OI et al. Nutrients. 2024 Aug 6;16(16):2579.  Étude transversale
Energy-Dense and Low-Fiber Dietary Pattern May Be a Key Contributor to the Rising Obesity Rates in Brazil. Alves IA et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2024 Aug 7;21(8):1038.  Étude transversale
Ultra-Processed Food Intake and Increased Risk of Obesity: A Narrative Review. Monda A et al. Foods. 2024 Aug 21;13(16):2627.  Revue narrative
Diabète The impact of food-based dietary strategies on achieving type 2 diabetes remission: A systematic review. Mozaffari H et al. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2024 Aug 14;18(8):103096.  Examen systematique
Food Processing According to the NOVA Classification is Not Associated with Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load: Results from an Analysis of 1,995  Food Items.    Basile AJ et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Aug 27. Étude transversale
Development of a national database for dietary glycemic index and load for nutritional epidemiologic studies in the United States. Della Corte KA et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Aug;120(2):380-388.  Étude transversale
Maladie cardiovasculaire Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Adverse Human Health Outcomes: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses of Observational Studies. Lane MM et al. Annu Rev Nutr. 2024 Aug;44(1):383-404.  Revue générale des méta-analyses
Association between Planetary Health Diet and Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Study from the UK Biobank. Sotos-Prieto M et al. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2024 Aug 29:zwae282.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Sweetened beverages and atrial fibrillation in people with prediabetes or diabetes. Gan X et al. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2024 Aug 19.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Risk of Incident Hypertension in US Middle-Aged Adults. Rivera N et al. J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 Sep 3;13(17):e035189.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Cancer Associations between dietary patterns and incident colorectal cancer in 114,443 individuals from the UK Biobank: a prospective cohort study. Skulsky SL et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2024 Aug 19.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Intake of Sugar and Food Sources of Sugar and Colorectal Cancer Risk in the Multiethnic Cohort Study. Kanehara R et al. J Nutr. 2024 Aug;154(8):2481-2492.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages in relation to premature aging in adult survivors of childhood cancer. Lan T et al. Br J Cancer. 2024 Aug 8.  Étude transversale
Autres sujets sur la santé Association between carbohydrate to protein or fat ratio and mortality: A prospective cohort study. Son GH et al. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2024 Aug 17;63:805-812.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Moderate low-cost modifications in diet prevent a substantial number of deaths and mitigate environmental impacts in Brazil. Verly E Jr et al. Eur J Nutr. 2024 Aug;63(5):1783-1796.  Étude transversale
Association between quantity and quality of carbohydrate intake and glaucoma: a cross-sectional study from the NHANES database. Li F et al. Int Ophthalmol. 2024 Aug 27;44(1):357.  Étude transversale
L'appétit et l'apport alimentaire Associations of sugar-related food parenting practices and parental feeding styles with prospective dietary behavior of children and adolescents: a systematic review of the literature from 2017 to 2023. Hübner HL et al. Front Public Health. 2024 Aug 14;12:1382437.  Examen systematique
Effects of time-restricted eating and low-carbohydrate diet on psychosocial health and appetite in individuals with metabolic syndrome: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Zheng Y et al. Clin Nutr. 2024 Aug 30;43(10):2316-2324.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Association of Salty and Sweet Taste Recognition with Food Reward and Subjective Control of Eating Behavior. Schamarek I et al. Nutrients. 2024 Aug 12;16(16):2661.  Étude transversale
T1R2/T1R3 polymorphism affects sweet and fat perception: Correlation between SNP and BMI in the context of obesity development. Ponnusamy V et al. Hum Genet. 2024 Aug 6. Étude transversale
Experiences and perspectives of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among Indigenous adults living in Manitoba. Kuijper LEN et al. Appetite. 2024 Aug 28;202:107637. Étude transversale
Synergistic Effect Mechanism of Binary Sweet Taste Compounds. Wei F et al. J Agric Food Chem. 2024 Aug 29.  Revue narrative
Santé mentale The relationship between dietary sugar consumption and anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Wang X et al. Nutr Bull. 2024 Aug 13.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
Letter to the editor: The association between soft drinks consumption and risk of mental disorders among Iranian adults: The LIPOKAP study. Luo P et al. J Affect Disord. 2024 Aug 22;365:379-380.  Editoriale
Connaissances et perceptions Individuals' perceptions of the factors linked to everyday soft drink consumption among university students: qualitative study. Sarhan MM et al. Front Nutr. 2024 Aug 19;11:1388918.  Étude transversale
Sugars-related behavior of Greek University students and its association with different information sources. Marakis G et al. Hellenic J Cardiol. 2024 Aug 6:S1109-9666(24)00168-4.  Étude transversale
A broken link: Knowledge of carbohydrate requirements do not predict carbohydrate intake around competition in endurance athletes. Sampson G et al. Eur J Sport Sci. 2024 Aug 28.  Étude transversale
Étiquetage alimentaire The Potential Effectiveness of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labeling for Improving Population Diets. Kelly B et al. Annu Rev Nutr. 2024 Aug;44(1):405-440.  Examen systematique
The Potential Effectiveness of Nutrient Declarations and Nutrition and Health Claims for Improving Population Diets. Kelly B et al. Annu Rev Nutr. 2024 Aug;44(1):441-470.  Examen systematique
Does menu calorie labelling cause or exacerbate eating disorders? Brealey J et al. Int J Obes (Lond). 2024 Aug 28.  Editoriale

Juillet 2024

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste complète des publications scientifiques relatives aux sucres publiée en juillet 2024. Elles sont groupées par thème et classées de la plus haute qualité à la qualité la moins élevée.

Sujet d'étude Titre Citations Type d'étude

Apports alimentaires - Méthodologie
Chronic Fructose and Sucrose Intake and 24-Hour Urine Composition.   Prochaska M, Ferraro PM, Taylor E, Curhan G. Kidney360. 2024 Jul 16.  Étude transversale
The Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio (CIR) as an Objective Biomarker of Added Sugar Intake: A Scoping Review of Current Evidence in Human Nutrition.   Tripicchio GL et al. Adv Nutr. 2024 Jul 31:100281.  Revue narrative
Apports alimentaires - Les sucres Intake of free sugar among children and adolescents in Germany declines - current results of the DONALD study.   Perrar I, Alexy U, Nöthlings U. Eur J Nutr. 2024 Jul 5.  Étude transversale
Elevated Metal Levels in U.S. Honeys: Is There a Concern for Human Health?   Wise JP Jr et al. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2024 Jul 12.  Étude transversale
Apports alimentaires - Boissons  Online retail nudges to help parents with lower-income choose healthy beverages for their children: A randomized clinical trial.   Rummo PE et al. Pediatr Obes. 2024 Jul 11:e13150.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Trajectories of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake in Early Life: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study.   Arora A et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jul 19;16(14):2336.  Étude transversale
Understanding Factors that Influence Parents' Provision of Beverages to Their Children: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis.   Vallone N et al. Am J Health Promot. 2024 Jul 21:8901171241266405.  Revue narrative
Apports alimentaires - Aliments contenant du sucre The unintended consequences of school-based health and nutrition policies: a systematic review.   Turner SL et al. Front Psychol. 2024 Jul 5;15:1356663.  Examen systematique
Unfavorable food consumption in children up to school entry age: results from the nationwide German KiESEL study.   Spiegler C et al. Front Nutr. 2024 Jul 1;11:1335934.  Étude transversale
Are people consuming the diets they say they are? Self-reported versus estimated adherence to low carbohydrate and low fat diets: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2018.   Kowalski C et al. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2024 Jul 11:S2212-2672(24)00542-2. Étude transversale
Obesité Feasibility and acceptability of an online multicomponent very low-carbohydrate intervention in young adult women with obesity: a pilot study.   Saslow LR et al. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2024 Jul 29;10(1):102.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Metabolomics signatures of sweetened beverages and added sugar are related to anthropometric measures of adiposity in young individuals: results from a cohort study.   Muli S et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Jul 24.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Childhood obesity and sugar-sweetened beverages in Río Negro: Burden of disease and expected impact of Law no. 27642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating.   Guaresti G et al. Arch Argent Pediatr. 2024 Jul 4:e202310109.  Étude transversale
Association between ultra-processed food consumption, sociodemographic characteristics, malnutrition and obesity among urban school-aged children in Lilongwe, Malawi: a cross-sectional study.   Kamanga P et al. BMJ Open. 2024 Jul 5;14(7):e084120.  Étude transversale
Prevalence and associated factors of overweight in Chinese adolescents: A cross-sectional study.   Huang J et al. Health Sci Rep. 2024 Jul 4;7(7):e2237.  Étude transversale
Intestinal fructose transporters GLUT5 and GLUT2 in children and adolescents with obesity and metabolic disorders.   Socha-Banasiak A et al. Adv Med Sci. 2024 Jul 24;69(2):349-355.  Étude transversale
Diabète Effect of Replacing Sucrose in Beverages with Nonnutritive Sweetener Sucralose on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among Asian Indian Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A 12-Week Randomized Controlled Trial.   Mohan V et al. Diabetes Ther. 2024 Jul 24.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Ultra-processed food consumption and risk of diabetes: results from a population-based prospective cohort.   Du S et al. Diabetologia. 2024 Jul 13.           Étude de cohorte prospective
Association of ultra-processed food consumption with risk of microvascular complications among individuals with type 2 diabetes in the UK Biobank: a prospective cohort study.   Li Y et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Jul 25:S0002-9165(24)00646-4. Étude de cohorte prospective
Maladie cardiovasculaire Impact of very low carbohydrate ketogenic diets on cardiovascular risk factors among patients with type 2 diabetes; GRADE-assessed systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials.   Ghasemi P et al. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2024 Jul 19;21(1):50.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
Disproportionately higher cardiovascular disease risk and incidence with high fructose corn syrup sweetened beverage intake among black young adults-the CARDIA study.   DeChristopher LR, Tucker KL. Nutr J. 2024 Jul 29;23(1):84.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Artificial sweeteners and risk of incident cardiovascular disease and mortality: evidence from UK Biobank.   Sun T et al. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2024 Jul 4;23(1):233. Étude de cohorte prospective
Does BMI moderate the LDL cholesterol response to low-carbohydrate diets?   Gonzalez JT, Lolli L, Atkinson G. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Jul;120(1):274-275.  Commentaire
Santé buccodentaire Potential interaction of sugar intake and tobacco exposure on dental caries in adults-A cross-sectional study from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.   Niu X, Rong X, Sun H. J Dent Sci. 2024 Jul;19(3):1792-1800.  Étude transversale
Autres sujets sur la santé Antibiotics, passive smoking, high socioeconomic status and sweetened foods contribute to the risk of paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review with meta-analysis.   Thacker N et al. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2024 Jul 17.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
Essential Nutrients, Added Sugar Intake, and Epigenetic Age in Midlife Black and White Women: NIMHD Social Epigenomics Program.   Chiu DT et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Jul 1;7(7):e2422749.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Associations of sugary beverage consumption with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome: a prospective cohort study.   Li S, Xiang Y, Yang X, Chen J, Xian W, Wang Y. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Jul 4. Étude de cohorte prospective
Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and chronic low back pain.   Wang Y et al. Front Nutr. 2024 Jul 3;11:1418393.  Étude transversale
Association of Soda Drinks and Fast Food with Allergic Diseases in Korean Adolescents: A Nationwide Representative Study.   Jeong J et al. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2024 Jul 1:1-17.  Étude transversale
Association between Uric Acid Levels and the Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Carbonated Beverages in the Korean Population: The 2016 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.   Lee SM et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jul 8;16(13):2167.  Étude transversale
Maternal Dietary Carbohydrate and Pregnancy Outcomes: Quality over Quantity.   Xue L et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jul 14;16(14):2269 Revue narrative
Regulation of Fructose Metabolism in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.   Lodge M, Dykes R, Kennedy A. Biomolecules. 2024 Jul 13;14(7):845.  Revue narrative
L'appétit et l'apport alimentaire Oral stimulation with glucose and fructose, but not sucrose, accelerates gastric emptying in humans.   Kanda M et al. Chem Senses. 2024 Jul 24:bjae028.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Secondary Analysis of Sweetness Liking from Pilot Study Replacing Sugar Sweetened Soda with Flavored, Unsweetened Sparkling Water.   Valicente V et al. J Am Nutr Assoc. 2024 Jul 22:1-13.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Sweet-bitter taste interactions in binary mixtures of sweeteners: Relationship between taste receptor activities and sensory perception. Choi Y et al. Food Chem. 2024 Jul 4;459:140343.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Taste sensitivities mediate differential snack choices across BMI groups: a study with New Zealand young male individuals.   Abeywickrema S, Ginieis R, Peng M. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2024 Aug;32(8).  Étude transversale
The role of cognitive biases involving selective interrogation of taste-based information in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption.   Dondzilo L, Kemps E. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2024 Jul 14;85:101979. Étude transversale
Novel Perspective on the Plasticity of Taste Perception: Is Food- and Exercise-Induced Inflammation Associated with Sweet Taste Sensitivity and Preference?   Kimmeswenger I, Lieder B. J Agric Food Chem. 2024 Jul 10;72(27):15122-15127.  Revue narrative
Santé mentale The association between junk foods consumption and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.   Khazdouz M et al. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2024 Jul 22.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
Consumption of sugary beverages, genetic predisposition and the risk of depression: a prospective cohort study.   Chen Y et al. Gen Psychiatr. 2024 Jul 17;37(4):e101446.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Associations of sugar intake, high-sugar dietary pattern, and the risk of dementia: a prospective cohort study of 210,832 participants.   Zhang S et al. BMC Med. 2024 Jul 18;22(1):298.  Étude de cohorte prospective
The association between soft drinks consumption and risk of mental disorders among Iranian adults: The LIPOKAP study.   Bahrami G et al. J Affect Disord. 2024 Jul 15;363:8-14.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Benefits of population-level interventions for dementia risk factors: an economic modelling study for England.   Mukadam N et al. Lancet Healthy Longev. 2024 Jul 26.  Étude de modélisation
Activité physique  Effects of Short-Term Nighttime Carbohydrate Restriction Method on Exercise Performance and Fat Metabolism.   Sakamoto T, Ueda SY, Nakahara H. Nutrients. 2024 Jul 4;16(13):2138.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Reformulation du sucre Reformulating ice cream to improve postprandial glucose response: an opportunity for industry to create shared value.   Al-Ozairi E, Mandani Y et al. Front Nutr. 2024 Jul 16;11:1349392.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Étiquetage alimentaire Becoming Healthier without Paying More? Experimental Evidence from the Impact of Multiple Traffic Lights on Chinese College Students.   Lin J, Wang T, Lin W. Nutrients. 2024 Jul 3;16(13):2124.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Development and validity testing of the Canadian Food Scoring System (CFSS), a nutrient profile model based on the recommendations of Canada's food guide 2019.   Lee JJ, Mulligan C, L'Abbé MR. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2024 Jul 16.  Étude transversale
Modifying the Health Star Rating nutrient profiling algorithm to account for ultra-processing.   Barrett EM et al. Nutr Diet. 2024 Jul 10.  Étude transversale

Juin 2024

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste complète des publications scientifiques relatives aux sucres publiée en juin 2024. Elles sont groupées par thème et classées de la plus haute qualité à la qualité la moins élevée.

Sujet d'étude Titre Citations Type d'étude
Apports alimentaires - Boissons  Unhealthy Food and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Bangladeshi Elderly People and Their Sociodemographic Determinants: Findings From a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Study.  Shamim AA et al. Cureus. 2024 Jun 7;16(6):e61922.  Étude transversale
Self-efficacy and autonomous motivation are associated with lower sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in low-income overweight and obese mothers of young children.   Jancsura MK et al. Res Nurs Health. 2024 Jun 15.  Étude transversale
Exploring parental secretive eating of sugary foods and drinks, and its associations with food consumption in families.   Sarvanne T et al. Appetite. 2024 Sep 1;200:107578.  Étude transversale
Incentives and penalties tied to sales volume in contracts between beverage companies and public universities in the United States.   Greenthal E et al. J Am Coll Health. 2024 May-Jun;72(4):1279-1288.  Étude transversale
Apports alimentaires - Aliments contenant du sucre Energy and macronutrient intake heritability: A systematic review and meta-analysis of twin and family-based studies.   Teymoori F et al. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2024 Jun;61:79-87.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
Intake of Snacks and Sweets in a National Study of Built and Social Environments: the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke Study.   Lang IM, Antonakos CL, Judd SE, Colabianchi N. J Nutr. 2024 May 23.  Étude transversale
Evaluation of the Consumption of Junk Food Products and Lifestyle among Teenagers and Young Population from Romania.   Mititelu M et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 5;16(11):1769.  Étude transversale
Modelling Food Substitution Using the Ofcom Nutrient Profiling Model on Population Intakes from the Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition 2015.   Chen QJ et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 14;16(12):1874.  Étude de modélisation
Qualité de l'alimentation The Quality of Lunches Brought from Home to School: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.  Song S, Tabares E, Ishdorj A, Crews M, Dave J. Adv Nutr. 2024 Jun 12:100255. Examen systematique
Food Resource Management and Healthy Eating Focus Associates with Diet Quality and Health Behaviors in Low-Income Adults.  Darooghegi Mofrad M et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 27;16(13):2043.  Étude transversale
Dietary Quality and Diet-Related Factors Among Emerging Adults (18-23 y) in the United States Are a Cause for Concern: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018.  Cowan-Pyle AE et al. J Nutr. 2024 Jun 27:S0022-3166(24)00354-7.  Étude transversale
Trends in Diet Quality Among U.S. Adults From 1999 to 2020 by Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Disadvantage.  Liu J, Mozaffarian D. Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jul;177(7):841-850. Étude transversale
Changes in UK price disparities between healthy and less healthy foods over 10 years: An updated analysis with insights in the context of inflationary increases in the cost-of-living from 2021.   Hoenink JC et al. Appetite. 2024 Jun 1;197:107290.  Étude transversale
Obesité Ultra-processed foods consumption and health-related outcomes: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.  Aramburu A et al. Front Nutr. 2024 Jun 26;11:1421728.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
The impact of short-term eucaloric low- and high-carbohydrate diets on liver triacylglycerol content in males with overweight and obesity: a randomized crossover study.  London A et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 Jun 22:S0002-9165(24)00540-9.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Sugary snack restriction enhances body composition improvement in overweight women engaging in non-face-to-face walking during COVID-19.  Lee Y et al. Front Public Health. 2024 Jun 3;12:1396598.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Effects of a Ketogenic Diet on Body Composition in Healthy, Young, Normal-Weight Women: A Randomized Controlled Feeding Trial.  Burén J et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 26;16(13):2030.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
The association between obesity severity and food reward in adolescents with obesity: a one-stage individual participant data meta-analysis.  Moore H et al. Eur J Nutr. 2024 Jun;63(4):1241-1255.  Essai contrôlé randomisé avec méta-analyse
Relationship of increased fruit/vegetable intake with reduced consumption of sweets: Psychological mechanisms and associated weight loss in women within behavioral obesity treatments.  Annesi JJ, Jennings JK. Health Care Women Int. 2024 Jun 4:1-21. Essai contrôlé randomisé
Dietary Sugar and Anthropometrics among Young Children in the Guelph Family Health Study: Longitudinal Associations.  Mahajan A et al; Guelph Family Health Study. Can J Diet Pract Res. 2024 Jun.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Chilean children's adherence to sustainable healthy diets and its associations with sociodemographic and anthropometric factors: a cross-sectional study.  Venegas Hargous C et al. Eur J Nutr. 2024 Jun 3.  Étude transversale
Sex differences in the relationships between macronutrients and all-cause mortality in individuals with metabolically unhealthy overweight/obesity.  Zhang J et al. Nutrition. 2024 Jun;122:112393.  Étude transversale
Costs of obesity attributable to the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in Brazil.  da Silva BF et al. Sci Rep. 2024 Jun 17;14(1):13936.  Étude transversale
Could Insulin Be a Better Regulator of Appetite/Satiety Balance and Body Weight Maintenance in Response to Glucose Exposure Compared to Sucrose Substitutes? Unraveling Current Knowledge and Searching for More Appropriate Choices.  Antasouras G et al. Med Sci (Basel). 2024 Jun 6;12(2):29.  Revue narrative
Diabète Time of day and glycaemic response in pregnant women: A gap in current guidelines?   Tan NA, Davidson ZE, Grieger JA, Bonham MP. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2024 Jun.  Examen systematique
Association between previous consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and diabetes remission in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic ketoacidosis.   Li S, Wang J, Zhang J, Zou Y, Deng Y, Xu J. Endocr J. 2024 Jun 12.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Maladie cardiovasculaire The Impact of Dietary Carbohydrates on Inflammation-Related Cardiovascular Disease Risk: The ATTICA Study (2002-2022).   Giannakopoulou SP et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 27;16(13):2051.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Age of Juice Introduction and Cardiometabolic Outcomes in Middle Childhood.   Clayton PK et al. J Nutr. 2024 Jun 26:S0022-3166(24)00353-5.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Association of childhood food consumption and dietary pattern with cardiometabolic risk factors and metabolomics in late adolescence: prospective evidence from 'Children of 1997' birth cohort.  He B et al. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2024 Jun 10:jech-2023-221245.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Sweet Surprises: An In-depth Systematic Review of Artificial Sweeteners and Their Association with Cerebrovascular Accidents.   Girigosavi KB et al. Curr Nutr Rep. 2024 Jun;13(2):97-105.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Implications of food ultra-processing on cardiovascular risk considering plant origin foods: an analysis of the UK Biobank cohort  Rauber, Fernanda et al. The Lancet Regional Health.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Cancer Ultra-Processed Food Consumption as a Risk Factor for Gastrointestinal Cancer and Other Causes of Mortality in Southern Italy: A Competing Risk Approach.   Campanella A et al. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 23;16(13):1994.  Étude de cohorte prospective
The association between healthy and unhealthy dietary indices with prostate cancer risk: a case-control study.   Mahmoodi M et al. J Health Popul Nutr. 2024 Jun 20;43(1):90.  Étude de cas-contrôle
Santé buccodentaire Altered salivary microbiota associated with high-sugar beverage consumption.  Fan X et al. Sci Rep. 2024 Jun 11;14(1):13386.  Étude de cohorte prospective
The mediating role of sugar and lipid metabolism and systemic inflammation in the association between breakfast skipping and periodontitis: A population-based study.  Wang Z, Pu R, Zhang J, Yang G. J Periodontol. 2024 Jun 8.  Étude transversale
What is the impact of the UK soft drinks industry levy on childhood tooth decay?  Watt S. Evid Based Dent. 2024 Jun;25(2):91-92.  Étude transversale
Autres sujets sur la santé Dietary content and combined training, but not daily physical activity, are associated with 6-month bone mineral changes in adolescents with obesity: A Secondary analysis of the PAC-MAnO trial.   Videira-Silva A et al. Eur J Pediatr. 2024 Jun 27.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Sports drinks do not increase acute kidney injury risk in males during industrial work in the heat when euhydration is maintained, a randomized crossover trial.  Atkins W. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2024 Jun 1;49(6):844-854.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Sugar-sweetened beverage but not diluted cloudy apple juice consumption induces post-prandial endotoxemia in healthy adults.  Staltner R et al. NPJ Sci Food. 2024 Jun 21;8(1):38.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Diet Optimization in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Impact on Disease Relapse and Inflammatory Markers. A 1-year Prospective Trial.  Preda CM et al J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2024 Jun 29;33(2):184-193.  Étude de cohorte prospective
Association between added sugars and frailty in U.S. adults: a cross-sectional study from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2018.  Ji J et al. Front Public Health. 2024 Jun 12;12:1403409.  Étude transversale
The UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy and childhood hospital admissions for asthma in England.  Rogers NT et al. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 10;15(1):4934.  Étude transversale
Common Beverage Consumption and Benign Gynecological Conditions.  Michel R et al. Beverages (Basel). 2024 Jun;10(2):33.  Revue narrative
L'appétit et l'apport alimentaire The influence of sleep on human taste function and perception: A systematic review.   Tucker RM et al. J Sleep Res. 2024 Jun 18:e14257.  Examen systematique
Santé mentale Association between junk food consumption and mental health problems in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.   Ejtahed HS et al. BMC Psychiatry. 2024 Jun 12;24(1):438.  Examen systematique/ méta-analyse
A healthy breakfast each and every day is important for students' motivation and achievement.  Martin AJ, Bostwick KCP, Burns EC, Munro-Smith V, George T, Kennett R, Pearson J. J Sch Psychol. 2024 Jun;104:101298.  Étude transversale
Ultra-Processed Foods and Mental Health: Where Do Eating Disorders Fit into the Puzzle? Wiss DA, LaFata EM. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 19;16(12):1955. Revue narrative
 Activité physique  International society of sports nutrition position stand: ketogenic diets.   Leaf A et al. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2024 Dec;21(1):2368167.  Énoncé de position
Intensity and Appreciation of Sweet Taste Solutions Are Modulated by High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise in Adolescent Athletic Males.   Gauthier AC et al. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2024 Jun 26:1-8.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Reward for fat and sweet dimensions of food are altered by an acute bout of running in healthy young men.   Yamada Y et al. Appetite. 2024 Sep 1;200:107562.  Essai contrôlé randomisé
Étiquetage alimentaire Does the Eco-Score lead to a halo effect? Influence of a sustainability label on product perceptions and purchase intention Büttner, V et al.  Food Quality and Preference (2024).  Essai contrôlé randomisé
How Sugar Labeling Affects Consumer Sugar Reduction: A Case of Sucrose Grade Labels in China.  Xin Y, Sheng J, Yi F, Hu Y. Foods. 2024 Jun 8;13(12):1803.  Étude transversale
Self-reported decreases in the purchases of selected unhealthy foods resulting from the implementation of warning labels in Mexican youth and adult population.   Contreras-Manzano A et al. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2024 Jun 14;21(1):64.  Étude transversale
Extent of alignment between the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the NOVA classification system across the Australian packaged food supply.   Nguyen H et al. Nutr Diet. 2024 May 13.  Analyse de la composition des aliments
Connaissances et perceptions The effects of nutrition education on nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviours in primary school students in Zhongshan city.   Yu X et al. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2024 Jun 30.  Essai contrôlé randomisé