International Trade News

May 2, 2014 - International Trade News

Safeguarding the Canadian Industry from the Diversionary Effects of the U.S. Trade Action against Mexican Sugar

On April 18, 2014, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) announced that it would initiate an investigation to determine if the Mexican government has subsidized Mexico’s sugar production and whether that sugar is being dumped into the U.S. market. The CSI is concerned about unfairly priced surplus Mexican sugar and...

February 21, 2014 - International Trade News

Tri Nations Sugar Group Calls for High-Quality, Comprehensive TPP Agreement

Sugar industry groups in Australia, Canada and New Zealand are joining voices in calling for a high quality, comprehensive outcome for agricultural liberalisation in a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement....

February 10, 2014 - International Trade News

Canada Needs High-Quality Trans Pacific Partnership Says Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance

he Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance wishes to express our concern with the current state of play in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations. Each of our member organizations shares a common concern regarding the possibility of a non-comprehensive outcome in respect of agricultural and agri-food goods in the TPP negotiations. We...

November 28, 2013 - International Trade News

Global Sugar Alliance - WTO Ministerial Opportunity to Reinvigorate WTO Trade Reform

The Bali Ministerial meeting provides an opportunity to reinvigorate world trade talks, overcome the negotiating impasse and finally rid world agricultural trade of all export subsidies as was agreed in Hong Kong in 2005....

November 20, 2013 - International Trade News

TPP - Sugar Must be Part of a Comprehensive Trade Deal

Sugar must be part of the latest round of trade deals, says the concerned Australian sugarcane industry....

October 24, 2013 - International Trade News

Canadian Sugar Institute Requests Immediate Action Against Illegally Subsidized U.S. Sugar

The Canadian Sugar Institute has requested that the Government of Canada take immediate action against illegally subsidized US sugar....

October 18, 2013 - International Trade News

Canada's Sugar Industry Welcomes Canada's Success in the CETA

Canada's sugar industry is pleased to learn that Canada and the European Union have reached agreement in principle on a Canada-EU trade agreement (CETA). This historic trade agreement represents a ground breaking opportunity for Canadian exporters....

August 26, 2013 - International Trade News

Sugar May Help Unlock Trade Market Access Impasse in TPP Negotiations

Sugar could prove just the sweetener the latest trade negotiations need to unlock the current export market access impasse....

March 22, 2013 - International Trade News

2013 Federal Budget Reconfirms Canada’s Commitment to Trade

Ottawa, Canada – CAFTA is pleased to see the federal government’s continued commitment to ensuring Canadian farmers and food manufacturers can compete in a global business arena....

March 21, 2013 - International Trade News

Australia Sugar Industry Alliance Supports Japan Entry to Trans Pacific Partnership Negotiations

Media Release: Australian Sugar Industry Alliance...