Quoi de neuf

Quoi de neuf

Novembre 29, 1999 - International Trade News

University of Florida Sugar Conference

On November 14/15, the University of Florida hosted a conference called, Sweetener Markets in the 21st Century, which featured speakers from around the world. Sandra Marsden of the Canadian Sugar Institute presented the Canadian perspective noting the difficulties of managing trade with the protectionist US market. She noted that trade with the US became more restricted, following the Uruguay Round. Copies of Ms. Marsden's speaking notes can be obtained by emailing CSI at info@sugar.ca.

Terry Sheales of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics stressed the distorted nature of sugar markets. He showed the OECD producer support estimates (PSE's) which measure the percentage of sugar receipts earned from government and other transfers. In spite of WTO reforms, PSE's for sugar remain over 50% in some countries.