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Upcoming Webinar on Sugars and Health
The dietitians and nutrition researchers at the Canadian Sugar Institute are pleased to share an upcoming free webinar offered by the Canadian Nutrition Society, which provide insights into current issues and practical applications of the science on sugars:
Tuesday November 28, 2023, 12:00-1:00 PM EST
Understanding sweet liking and disliking: re-evaluating sweet taste as a driver of overconsumption
Speaker: Martin Yeomans, PhD (School of Psychology, University of Sussex)
Taste hedonics have important influences on food choices, preferences, and eating behaviours. Subsequently, food choices can have an effect on overall nutritional intake and weight.
For many years, there has been a debate about whether sweet foods are connected to the development of obesity. From a biological standpoint, eating behaviour involves inputs from different systems, and the final hedonic decision integrates metabolic needs with activity in the brain’s reward regions.
This webinar provides a comprehensive review of:
1. How taste preferences are developed;
2. Different determinants of sweet liking; and
3. The current understanding of how sweet liking relates to body size and obesity.
The conclusions challenge the common perception that sweet liking drives overconsumption, and instead suggests a more nuanced account of sweet taste as a risk factor for obesity.
Click for more information and to register for the webinar.
*This webinar is sponsored by the Canadian Sugar Institute.