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August 14, 2023 - International Trade News

Rogers Sugar Announces Sugar Production Capacity Expansion Project for Eastern Canada

Montréal (Québec), August 14, 2023 – Rogers Sugar Inc. (the “Company” or “Rogers Sugar”) (TSX: RSI) announces an important investment of its wholly owned operating subsidiary Lantic, which will increase the production capacity of its Montreal plant by approximately 20 %, or 100,000 metric tonnes. The total investment for this project is estimated at approximately $200 million, and includes investments in sugar refining technology and equipment, as well as logistical infrastructure at Lantic’s Montreal sugar refinery and in the Greater Toronto Area to serve the Ontario market. The Montreal component will take advantage of available space in the existing refinery buildings and site, allowing production to continue with minimal disruption. By using existing facilities, the Company will minimize construction impacts to the surrounding community. 

“This project is good for our customers, our shareholders and our communities, as we add production to serve rising demand, invest in Canadian manufacturing and create jobs,” said Mike Walton, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rogers Sugar and Lantic. “Our sugar volumes are steadily increasing, and these investments will enable us to serve future demand growth, support the domestic food-processing industry and improve efficiency within our operations.” 

The demand for industrial high-quality, reliable bulk sugar has steadily increased over the last few years, especially in Eastern Canada where the food-processing industry is expanding. The growth in demand is directly associated with an increase in the production of sugar containing products by our business partners in the food manufacturing sector. This investment will support such growth and further positions the Company to serve those food-processing customers and to benefit from additional long-term demand for bulk sugar.

Over the last few years, the demand for Canada’s high quality refined sugar has steadily increased in Eastern Canada to meet growing production of sugar-containing food products for Canadian and export markets. The Company currently meets the increasing demand of the industrial market by transporting bulk sugar produced at its Vancouver plant to its eastern-based customers. By expanding refining capacity closer to its customer base, the Company will reduce freight costs, drive improved margins, and leave more Western Canadian capacity available for alternative sales opportunities, including export outside of Canada.

See the full press release here