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Février 16, 2017 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News

Études critiques de "The Case Against Sugar" de Gary Taubes

Gary Taubes, un journaliste d’investigation américain, a publié son dernier livre intitulé The Case Against Sugar le 27 décembre 2016, dans lequel il utilise des techniques du récit pour présenter sa position qui consiste à dire que le sucre est la cause principale des maladies chroniques.

Voici deux études rédigées aux É.-U. qui se penchent sur la base scientifique du livre :

Stephan Guyenet, PhD : ‘Bad sugar or bad journalism? An expert review of “The Case Against Sugar”’

  • “The Case Against Sugar is a journey through sugar history and science that argues the point that sugar is the principal cause of obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and many other common noncommunicable diseases. This differs from the prevailing view in the research and public health communities that obesity and noncommunicable disease are multi-factorial, with refined sugar playing a role among other things like excess calorie intake, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, alcohol and illegal drug use, and various other diet and lifestyle factors.”
  • “Scientifically, The Case Against Sugar suffers from a condition...called the “Igon Value Problem”. This term describes the tendency of certain science journalists to arrive at obtuse conclusions due to a superficial understanding of their subject matter.”

Matt Raymond, International Food Information Council Foundation : "The Case Against Sugar" Is a Weak One’

  • “Taubes is a respected journalist and an expert in physics, but he’s not a registered dietitian, nutritionist or health professional. Nevertheless, he is one of the most prominent crusaders against sugar. That’s in spite of—or maybe because of—you guessed it: bad science, alarmism, and quick fixes.”
  • “If there is one thing experience has taught us, it’s that demonizing or fixating on avoiding a single nutrient, ingredient or source of calories, isn’t as helpful as some would have you believe.”