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Quoi de neuf

Octobre 22, 2012 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News

L’ICS aura un kiosque et fera une présentation au congrès de l’Association canadienne du diabète à Vancouver

L’Institut canadien du sucre (ICS) aura un kiosque au congrès professionnel de l’Association canadienne du diabète / la Société canadienne d’endocrinologie et métabolisme à Vancouver (C.-B.) du 10 au 13 octobre 2012.

De plus, l’ICS a été choisi pour faire une présentation par affiches au congrès. La directrice de la nutrition et des affaires scientifiques de l’institut, Tristin Brisbois, présentera les travaux de l’ICS sur les apports en sucres ajoutés au Canada. Le résumé ci-dessous sera publié dans un prochain numéro du Canadian Journal of Diabetes.

Évaluation des apports en sucres ajoutés au Canada en relation avec les tendances relatives au poids
Tristin D. Brisbois, PhD et Sandra L. Marsden, MHSc, RD

Service d’information sur la nutrition, L’Institut canadien du sucre, Toronto, ON M5J 2R8

Consumption of added sugars in Canada is often reported to be higher than data suggest. The purpose of this study was to estimate and trend added sugars consumption using both Statistics Canada availability data and Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) nutrition survey data. Sugar is defined as sucrose (from sugar cane or sugar beets); Sugars are all monosaccharides and disaccharides (naturally occurring or added); and Added sugars are all sugars added to foods (i.e., sugar, honey, maple syrup, and corn sweeteners). Consumption of added sugars was estimated by adjusting total availability of added sugars for retail, institutional and household losses. CCHS total sugars data were used to estimate added sugars consumption based on studies that have reported added sugars to account for approximately half of total sugars intake. The contribution of added sugars to total energy intake was also calculated. Results showed close agreement between the two methods; added sugars intakes were estimated to average 53 grams/day and to contribute 10 - 13% of total energy. Added sugars intakes were also shown to be stable or modestly declining as a percent of total energy over the past 3 decades. Trends in sugars consumption plotted against obesity rates show an inverse correlation; this is consistent with current scientific literature, which does not support an association between body weight and sugars consumption. Added sugars consumption in Canada is not increasing. Both availability data and nutrition survey data estimate added sugars to contribute approximately 10-13% of total daily Calories among Canadians.