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September 12, 2011 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News

New Resource! "Estimated Intakes of Added Sugars in Canada and Relationship to Trends in Body Weight"

Estimated Intakes of Added Sugars in Canada and Relationship to Trends in Body Weight Canadian Sugar Institute, 2011 ; Our Nutrition Information Service is pleased to provide you with our latest health professional publication.

Estimated Intakes of Added Sugars in Canada and Relationship to Trends in Body Weight (pdf)

Consumption of added sugars in Canada is often reported to be higher than data suggest. Both popular and scientific articles often incorrectly report food supply (availability) data as actual consumption data. Additionally, when describing Canadian eating habits, US data is often cited. This does not provide an accurate reflection of Canadian consumption patterns, as Canadian intakes of many foods and beverages containing added sugars are substantially below US levels.

This fact sheet uses the available literature and various reports to provide the best estimates of added sugars consumption in Canada. Estimates of total added sugars intake based on Statistics Canada availability data and Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) nutrition survey data are explored in detail. Trends in added sugars consumption and body weight are also reviewed.