Nouvelles sur le commerce international

30 octobre 1998 - International Trade News

Canadian Sweetener Symposium - Market Outlook

The newly reconstituted Canadian Sweetener Symposium took place in Toronto on October 22, 1998....

02 octobre 1998 - International Trade News

20 Years in Review - Statistical Profile of Sugar Industry

The just released annual Statistical Profile of the Canadian Sugar Industry provides a 20-year review of Canadian sugar market trends. Here are some of the highlights....

02 octobre 1998 - International Trade News

Expanded Taber Sugar Plant Begins Campaign to Process Sugar Beets

The recently expanded Rogers Sugar plant in Taber, Alberta started processing this year's sugar beet crop which should be the biggest on record in Alberta....

10 septembre 1998 - International Trade News

Premiers Urge Liberalization of World Sugar Trade

At their annual meeting in Saskatoon on August 7th, Provincial Premiers urged Ottawa to pursue the elimination of export subsidies, non-tariff barriers and the overall liberalization of world sugar trade in the next Round of WTO talks....

30 juillet 1998 - International Trade News

Agriculture Ministers Support Goal to Double Agri-Food Exports

On July 16, 1998, federal and provincial agriculture ministers strongly supported a goal to double agri-food exports by early in the next century. Following their annual two-day meeting, agriculture ministers agreed to work with industry to reach a target of 4% of world agri-food trade by the year 2005....

09 juillet 1998 - International Trade News

Mexican Sugar Production and Exports Set New Records

Total Mexican sugar production for the 1997-98 crop is estimated at 5.3 million tonnes, representing the fourth year of record yields....

18 juin 1998 - International Trade News

New Alliance of Agri-Food Exporters

A number of major agri-food exporters met with Federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister, Lyle Vanclief, and senior trade officials in Ottawa on June 11th to announce he formation of the Canadian Alliance of Agri-Food Exporters. This diverse group from sectors including red meat, oilseeds, barley malts, grains and sugar, joined...